Texas Trust Credit Union Joins The Epic Family!

By septiembre 22, 2017 Extras épicos

We are honored to announce that Texas Trust Credit Union has joined The Epic and will have the naming rights to The Epic Theater at The Epic. Texas Trust Credit Union has branches through-out the area and are involved in the communities that you service. In addition, ATMs will also be available in both The Epic and Epic Waters. “We are very excited to have Texas Trust Credit Union on The Epic Team. Their commitment to our community is extremely appreciated,” said Tom Hart, Grand Prairie City Manager.

Over the next few weeks, we will have more on this partnership including unveiling the official logo and how you can earn free tickets to VIP events courtesy of Texas Trust Credit Union. The partnership is a five year deal. You know what…..it truly will be EPIC!

In the next few weeks, we will be announcing additional partners. We are very close in finalizing a package for a Summer Music Series as well. Keep in your mind, the latest Opening Date Information: Epic Waters by December 15, 2017 and The Epic –February 1, 2018. (Obviously dates keep changing, and we always have the scoop here first).

Finally, The Epic and Epic Waters will be at the Flight of the Monarch Festival SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2017 at Grand Central from 10am until 4pm. Go to GrandFunGP.com for all the details. It is a FREE festival and we expect over 7,500 to attend. Also, stop by The Epic and Epic Waters tents for free beads and other exciting news.

Epic Waters parties and passes are available NOW on-line at EpicWatersGP.com and The Epic Membership sales begins November 15, 2017. (Great Christmas Presents).

See ya next week! Thanks for being our Epic Friend!


Rick Herold
Director – Parks, Arts & Recreation


Author jethompson

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