Answering a Few Questions

By Tháng 10 26, 2016 Epic Extras

Can you believe we are just over a year away from the opening of Epic Waters? We are so excited to have the General Manager housing in our offices, Michael Hays. You will love him! He is making the rounds talking Epic Waters everywhere he goes! It’s hard to ever find him without a smile on his face. Again, American Resort Management is running Epic Waters and we are so pumped to have them on board.

I wanted to give you a little sneak peek that is always reserved for Members! In the Holiday Village at Prairie Lights (Thanksgiving through Jan. 1) we will have more exciting news on Epic Waters and an Elf told me that there would be a special photography moment! That’s all I can say, but we hope to see you at Prairie Lights.

What do you know about Futsal? The Epic will have an indoor court, so start Googling about the “fastest growing sport in the world”. We think it will bring hours and hours of fun and excitement.

Let’s answer some questions….

Craig of Bedford asks, “Someone said you can record music at The Epic. Is that right?”
Craig, that’s right! We are excited to announce that not only will The Epic have a recording studio, but also production space for film makers. It is going to be Epic (sorry)!

Jan of Grand Prairie asks, “I have bad knees. Will there be special equipment for me?”
Jan, we have thought of you! We will have water therapy opportunities in The Epic, just like at The Summit. And, almost every state-of-the-art-fitness equipment that one could have. It will be your home away from home!

And finally, Gary of Arlington asks, “Someone mentioned radio. What is up with that?”
Well Gary, you might be our next radio star. Indeed, we will have an internet based radio-station that is one of the showcases of The Epic Atrium. Your friends, family and followers could listen all over the world on their computer. Is a radio show in your future?

…..just more reasons why we love the name “Epic”! We listened to you in over 40 meetings, emails, voice messages, and public forums. It’s the building YOU asked for! It’s getting closer with each passing day!


Rick Herold
Director – Parks, Arts & Recreation


Author jethompson

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