Welcome to another blog of your soon-to-open Lo épico. We love our members and we have lots of catch you up on! We always try to release information first to you as our way of saying thanks for being a loyal reader. Here are some updates:
- More jobs will be listed on GPTX.org. Take a look at new opportunities to join The Epic family! 3 or 4 positions will be available!
- We will be featuring a computerized fly-though of your Fitness area on the JoinTheEpic.com blog. Could be later this week. You will be amazed. We have included a picture this week, as part of your “First Look” series.
- Opening Date is still fluid. Epic Waters should open in December, and The Epic will open in February or March 2018. This is such an incredibly complicated project, we want it all to be perfect for you. It is “Epic”, you know!
- Join our Epic Waters family at The State Fair of Texas! They are located in the middle of The Midway! Look for the Flow-Rider surfing machine and stop by and sign up for some incredible prizes.
- The lights are now on each evening in Epic Waters! Truly a sight to see from Highway 161! Send your shots to Kelly Eddlemon (keddlemon@gptx.org) and we will feature some of the best. In fact, if we use your night picture, a prize will be coming your way! Be sure to include your name, address, and phone number in your email.
- Upcoming later this week: Meet our new Epic Member Zach Balch! And, we will announce the GRAND OPENING date for the GrandLawn Amphitheater!
Here is a shot of your fitness area! Tell me it ain’t EPIC!
Also, be sure to check out our Membership Rates and Hours of Operation.
Got blog questions, please let us know! We are so proud to be working on your EPIC project! We are re-imagining leisure and wellness in America!
Rick Herold
Director – Parks, Arts & Recreation
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