Hiring Soon: The Epic Manager

By May 24, 2017 Epic Extras

Howdy to our loyal JoinTheEpic.com blog family. We are proud to announce FIRST on this blog that we are ready to begin the process of hiring The Epic Manager. This position will be posted on the city website later this week at GPTX.org/jobs. The position posting will stay open for one month and the potential starting date would be July 10, 2017. This legacy, one-of-a-kind center will be looking for an innovative leader dedicated to changing lives and creating community. Future positions will be listed upon the filling of The Epic Manager position. This job opportunity will also be posted on: nrpa.org and traps.org.

Please help us find the future leader of the ultimate sports, arts, and culture center -The Epic.

And, also remember, jobs for our sister facility, Epic Waters Indoor Waterpark, are available by checking: EpicWatersGP.com.

Thanks! Stay tuned for another “First Look” and “First Take” next week.


Rick Herold
Director – Parks, Arts & Recreation


Author jethompson

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