The Epic features a unique and innovative extension of the Grand Prairie Public Library system. It’s called EpicReads. Located in the atrium, the library kiosk dispenses items to Grand Prairie library patrons and you don’t necessarily have to be a member of The Epic. It was designed and manufactured to have a low carbon footprint and is environmentally friendly, producing no waste and using minimal power. The user-friendly screen allows for member/guests to check out books as well as sign up for a library card. Here’s a list of features:
- Touch Screen Checkout
- Material capacity: 200 to 1,000 items
- Check-out/return options
- Reservations and customer pick-up
- First screen is branded/customized with key instructions for operation
- Search options via category (author, title, blue ray, DVD etc.)
- Account access via patron card
- Easy for staff to load/retrieve items
- Items displayed with correlating image/details for easier selection
- Selection of Spanish books/dvds
EpicReads is yet another example of how The Epic combines innovative ideas and the newest technology in order to provide more convenience for our guests.
Read more about Epic Reads in this article on