#EpicResolutions Giveaways

By December 31, 2018 Epic Extras

Each week in January The Epic will have motivating giveaways to get you started on your 2019 resolutions! This week’s giveaway is a one-month membership for you and a friend! Study after study confirms that those who workout with a friend reach fitness goals faster and are more likely to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of Working Out With a Friend

  1. Healthy Competition: Working out with a friend pushes you to work harder and at a higher intensity. After all, you can’t let them win!
  2. No More “I’ll Go Tomorrow”: Friends bring accountability. After a long, tiring day it’s tempting to skip the workout, but having a friend who expects you to show up keeps you walking through the gym door and active.
  3. Reach Your Goals Faster: Friends provide motivation to go to the gym, bring variety to workouts, and give the extra push to keep moving when you want to quit.
  4. Try New Workouts: Workouts can get boring if the routine never changes. Friends influence new workout regimes and teach techniques you may never have thought to try.
  5. Stay Motivated: When workouts or just the daily grind get challenging, it might be tempting to quit the gym. But friends give pep talks to boost spirits and self-confidence. And when your friend looks to you for encouragement, it provides an opportunity to reconfirm within yourself why you started in the first place. It’s a win-win.

Enter to win by sharing your goals in the social media comments for this post and tag your friend. Kick off your 2019 resolutions at The Epic!  #epicresolutions #epicfriends #JoinTheEpic


Author jethompson

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