The City of Grand Prairie Parks, Arts and Recreation Department has embarked on another life changing project at Central Park. The EPIC Recreation Center and EPIC WATERS water park will forever change the lives of thousands of Grand Prairie residents for decades to come. One component of the EPIC project is the development of PlayGrand Adventures playground, to be located on the southern portion of Central Park.
PlayGrand Adventures will be a playground where everyone of all ages and abilities can experience ‘Epic’ play. This playground will be a part of the EPIC project, and one that has great potential of bringing together children and adults in a safe, exciting, comfortable, and fun atmosphere.
Our goal with PlayGrand Adventures is to be the best destination playground in the country. To date, the idea is to separate the playground into several adventure lands, each standing on its own, but linked to each other. PlayGrand Adventures will have shelters, seating areas and picnic areas associated with each land. The lands will incorporate inclusive features so all visitors can associate with each other regardless of their abilities.
Initial planning of the playground has started, and updates throughout the project will be posted as the design develops.
The PlayGrand Adventures Kick-Off Reception was held Thursday evening, May 7, at the historic Uptown Theater. This event formally introduced the project to community leaders, professionals, City officials and Parks’ friends and launched the campaign for additional funding and community participation of the project. The evening offered opportunities for citizens to volunteer on steering committees to guide the PlayGrand’s Development through the project.
Funding has been authorized as part of the EPIC Recreation Center and EPIC Waters for the PlayGrand Adventures Project. However, we are dreaming even bigger and want to build future phases as part of the initial development. A PlayGrand Subcommittee will be canvassing the community for sponsorships and partnerships. This truly will be an EPIC project and a continued EPIC experience for all ages and abilities in our community.
Steve Plumer PLA, ASLA
Sr. Parks Project Manager – Parks, Arts & Recreation Department
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