Stories from the Kitchen by Connie

By August 30, 2019 Epic Extras

Smells from the Kitchen Generate an Explosion of Cherished Things Remembered from my Past.

I love a kitchen. The whole experience is one that brings a smile, a wonderful memory, a happy scene remembered.  It doesn’t have to be a fancy state of the art type kitchen, just any ole kitchen will do.  Sometimes, I close my eyes and remember a smell and the memories of a wonderful time flood my whole being.  Fresh green beans straight from the garden on my Granny’s gas stovetop, cooking late in the day so as not to heat up that small house so filled with love. That is one of my particular favorite memory smells.  Do you have a wonderful memory smell?

I believe my love of all things in the kitchen started from the roots of my raising. I always really liked being in the kitchen with my mamma even if it was just doing homework while she cooked.  I still love to bake and enjoy a good slice of cake, from scratch.

Some years ago, I began trying out cooking classes and enjoyed it, learned from it, and became passionate about cooking food from some of the best classes around.  I hope to bring a little of that passion to our kitchen here at The Epic.  I am looking forward to bringing some great recipes, programs, and tips to help you create memories like that for your loved ones.

– Connie Graf


Author jethompson

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